Happy New Years

Happy New Years !

It’s been a while since my last post I have to recognize that. The thing is that, I will post only when I’m feeling like, or have something to say.

These past few months have been super busy, stressful, with lots of events, but thank God, things start getting into the right place and I can be more relaxed now 🙂

The year ended with a few more competitions, making it a total of 12 races for 2018 and a total of 2330km.

I need though new shoes for my road trainings, I have used almost everything I have. And I am still analyzing the market to see which ones are the best for my Boston Marathon and also for my intervals smashing the track week after week. For trail runs, my collection of shoes are pretty good none out of use so far.

Besides my running schedule, I have planned for this new year a different approach towards life in general.

I want to take time to reflect, to relax, being myself and spend more time with my people. Traveling to new places as soon as possible, change hometown is in list as well + find a new job once I leave Moldova.

New beginnings are awaiting ahead and that requires a fresh mind and a strong personality to face all the difficulties along the way. Perhaps some of you deals easier with changes, I thought I do as well, but I guess once you become older, some habits are harder to change.

Thanks God, I find an escape through running and other things I do enjoy doing.

January started pretty ok, not into big changes for now and the resolution for 2019 is to stay healthy, happy and in harmony with myself and those around me, no matter where on the planet I am.

Here you can find a few pictures from my weekend I got to spend in the mountains, which I totally enjoyed and loved spending some qualitative time together with my soulmate.

Happy Friday, Happy New Years y’all and Merry Christmas to all orthodoxies out there, celebrating old style calendar.

One Reply to “Happy New Years”

  1. A big thank you for your blog. Thanks Again. Really Cool. Madella Dew Grae

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